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Mapping Out the GNPI Network

Take the opportunity to consider the widespread influence of this growing ministry. Nine regional centers are producing biblical resources for each of their cultures. Eight small production teams are training under the leadership of Project Nomad. Six hundred Solar Kits have been mobilized to areas without electricity…  READ MORE

Behind the Scenes of Mapping Out GNPI


GNPI staff members welcomed David Velázquez, our summer intern from Mexico. David brought a fresh perspective to the ministry, and he worked with Creative Media Designer Greg Fish and Creative Team Assistant Jubilee Mehrens to create this new video.  WATCH VIDEO


Charms and Incense

Mike Schrage


GNPI produces culturally relevant materials that connect with people who have different worldviews. You may wonder how different can these really be? When I was in Nairobi recently, I overheard a Kenyan businessman assuring his young colleague that they…


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Contact us about using your IRA to reduce income taxes. (Learn More)

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