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View highlights of Project Nomad trainings in Kenya, Togo, North Africa, Eurasia, and the Philippines. “We’re leaving this place with students who know how to use technology to share the Gospel.” — Ministry partner from New Missions Systems International… WATCH VIDEO

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Kingdom Benefits


Meet some of the recent participants from Togo, Hong Kong, Eurasia, and the Philippines as they explain the value of Project Nomad training. “Project Nomad is empowering an entire generation to reach out to more people.” —  Andrew Orocay from Manila, Philippines


Answer to Prayer

Mike Schrage


Timothy P. of GNPI-SE Asia is a man with a vision to reach his entire country. He is an inspiring person. When he first started sharing the Gospel, he traveled on foot or by bicycle to talk with the individuals in his country about the Good News of Jesus. Then he asked God to show him a faster way…


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