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The Gathering Place

Matt Brock, GNPI Director of Development


I don’t know about you, but I’m thankful for the place I call my church home. Yes, I’m thankful for the people, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m grateful for the physical location where I meet with other believers in Jesus. The Church isn’t a building, but it’s certainly a wonderful provision of God to have attractive, climate-controlled spaces to use for His Glory. We probably know it’s not like that everywhere in the world…  READ MORE

In Every Season


Our enemy does his best to thwart efforts to spread the Gospel. Media can be one of his best tools to deliver news of suffering, tragedy, or pain. Just as Christ can redeem individuals, He can also redeem media. He uses it to introduce Good News around the world. His power transcends any barrier standing in the way of this Message. This Truth is the reason for GNPI’s 2015 theme: Boundless. This year we can see many examples

Their Need is Our Calling

Mike Schrage


People around the world have a significant need they’re seeking to fill. Look at some of the ways they try to meet this need… This is the singular purpose our Creator God seeks to accomplish. Jesus obediently fulfilled this mission on the cross. The Holy Spirit now compels us, through the Church, to call those He’s drawing to Him. 



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