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Bamboo Worms

By Jeff Silkwood, PR Liaison for GNPI-Thailand

Bamboo worms are not what I was expecting to dine on when I agreed to travel to a remote Karen village in northern Thailand. I was invited by a team of workers from a local Thai church in Chiang Mai. I was surprised when the worms really did not taste bad at all.


More News From GNPI…


God’s Preparation for Ministry Transformation – Last week’s

   feature from GNPI-Ukraine about new opportunities.
Surprising Ministry Connections – Read several snippets on 

   a blessing the small, but powerful Solar Kit is.

Click here to see all the blogs

A Virtual Prayer Walk


Take three minutes to quiet your mind and listen to God’s Word. Also, download a FREE, 5-minute countdown to use in a church service or event.


Being Relevant Like Jesus

By Mike Schrage

Barna Group, the premier research organization, recently stated that Millennials want to learn how to “apply their hearts and minds to today’s cultural realities…finding a way to bring their faith in Jesus to the problems they encounter in the world.”



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