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God’s Preparation for Ministry Transformation

By Sergei Golovin, Regional Director of GNPI-Ukraine

A big danger in times of peace is to take God’s mercy for granted. When troubles come, we can see how merciful God is and always was. No one could predict what was coming in Crimea and Ukraine (except those who planned the disaster). Yet, the Lord was preparing our ministry for the change, even though we had no clue about it. Praised be God’s name!


More News From GNPI…


Holiday Shopping with AmazonSmile – Last week’s feature

   on how part of your purchases on Amazon could help GNPI.

Media Resources Move People to Repentance – Read about one

   of the ways you are making a difference in people’s lives.

Click here to see all the blogs

Appreciation from Anyway!


GNPI provided a Solar Kit for Anyway Mupesewa to take back to his home country of Zimbabwe to use in sharing the Gospel there. I think you’ll agree, he is a delightful young man.


Adversity or Opportunity?

By Mike Schrage

Not that it’s ever overly encouraging, but the nightly news has been extra discouraging as of late… it’s upsetting. However, it’s not just happening in the Middle East. Tension between Ukraine and Russia continues… 




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