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The Spread of Truth Continues

by Sergei Golovin, Regional Director, GNPI-Ukraine

I am amazed how many opportunities to praise the Lord that difficult times provide! Over and over again it reminds us of accounts from the book of Acts when the believers were dispersed by secular powers, resulting in the spreading of the kingdom instead of its destruction


More News From GNPI…


Buddhist Leader Now Follows Christ – Last week’s featured

   testimony from Southeast Asia.

The Right Tool for the Job – Eddie Gonzalez writes about how

   GNPI tools are helping spread the Gospel in South Sudan.
Holiday Shopping with AmazonSmile – Find out how easily your

   Amazon shopping can be set up to benefit the ministry! 

Click here to see all the blogs

An “All Call” for Prayer


Read about the emphasis GNPI staff puts on prayer and see scenes of last year’s network-wide “International Hour of Prayer.” 


A New Friend

By Mike Schrage

Her pleasant smile made her look younger than she really is. Duan is a Chinese national who works at Johnson University. While visiting the university I showed her a newly-completed version of The Global Gospel in Mandarin, her heart language.




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