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Summer 2016 Prayer Report


We praise God for our ministry partners and for the way He answers our prayers season after season. “Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”

— Psalm 62:8 (NIV)   READ MORE

A Tool We Can Use


Patrick Kenee, a Christian worker in South Africa, says Project Nomad is having a positive impact in the rural villages. The Project Nomad-Johannesburg, South Africa, team records, edits, and prepares teaching materials from leadership training conferences. Patrick has a friend who shares their Bible correspondence course materials at every opportunity.


Obedience & Open Doors

Mike Schrage


Many stories illustrate how God has gone before us. For security reasons, I will be a bit vague with this story. Recently, a ministry partner wrote, “We started yesterday, and everything went very well. The voice talent was from North Korea. He escaped more than 10 years ago… 



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