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Was THAT Spanish??

Project NOMaD Coordinator Jason Miller has a great heart, but his Spanish leaves much to be desired. It is evident in this funny video clip, cultural relevance really is important. We don’t want to produce materials for Chileans to use in ministry, we want Chileans producing what will be best understood in their context!


More News From GNPI…


“Take My Life and Let it Be” – Last week’s feature is a

   beautiful music video filmed recently in Ukraine. 
Ron and Mary’s Giving Perspective – Read a neat note that

   aptly describes the heart behind GNPI partners.

Click here to see all the blogs

Pray for India

India has a population of more than 1 billion people, more than 4,600 people groups who speak more than 1,600 languages. The main religion in India is Hinduism, with Islam coming in second.


Producing The Global Gospel in the World’s Top 25 Languages

By Mike Schrage

Of the billions who are potential disciples of Jesus Christ, millions cannot read. Millions cannot afford a Bible in their own language. Millions do not have access to a Bible.



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