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NOMaD Training in Haiti


The Haiti trip went well, and I survived the driving of the Haitian version of Mario Andretti.
My class consisted of six students, one woman and five men. The students ranged in age from 16 to 34. Most of them had superior computer skills already, particularly the 16-year-old.  READ MORE

Free Worship Resources


Could your church use some new videos for their services? Share this album with your church tech people. They are probably always looking for new content, and they’ll love that these 
resources are free of charge!
We currently have a few countdowns, several motion backgrounds, and even a couple of illustration mini-­movies. 

Preventing Spiritual Leakage

By Mike Schrage


I recently read “going into a church service doesn’t make you a Christian any more than walking into a barn makes you a cow!”

Attending a religious function (what we call worship in a church, mosque, or synagogue) does not define a Christ-follower or devotee of any other religion. READ MORE


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Contact us to learn about charitable strategies that can make taxes optional. (Learn More)


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