Stay Connected!




What is Vision Night?

We want you to join us for Vision Night this month, but maybe you are looking for more information on exactly what it is. Read this blog and watch the video to find out.


For more than 30 years, GNPI’s annual banquet was held on the campus of Ozark Christian College. It’s always been a great time of fellowship and seeing the hand of God at work in the ministry. We are so grateful for that long-standing partnership. This year we’re moving the event into a new house…


Praises & Prayers for the Week of March 3rd | click here!

More News From GNPI…


Ron and Mary’s Giving Perspective – We wanted to share a note

   that we received a few weeks ago.

Give God Your “Little” Dreams – Here it is again in case you

   missed this one from the Philippines last week.

Click here to see all blogs.

Intentions of the Heart


The news from Ukraine is not very encouraging right now, but take a look at this video we featured a few weeks ago. It was created by our first NOMaD team there. These young people  have a vision to change their country. Please pray for this team and our regional center there, especially now!


Creating Beauty For the Eyes of the Beholder

by Mike Schrage

Of the six core values at GNPI, creativity is one of the things we do best and one of the ways we’re striving to imitate God. Think about it. God spoke the world into existence! That amazes me. Think of our expansive universe – just our solar system alone. Or consider the…



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