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God’s Love Invading Thailand

More than once over the last few months, Tom Silkwood, regional director for GNPI-Thailand, has said, “God is on the move in Thailand like I’ve never seen before.”

Thai Christians are excited to share how they are experiencing God, and Tom and his staff are becoming more and more passionate about telling “His” story by producing true-story videos of how God is moving…


More News From GNPI…


The Greatest Among Them – See the new photos Pa See has

   chosen to share with you this week.
A Cup of Cold Water – Last week’s feature in case you missed it.
Winter Newsletter – Did you see this? You can download and/or

   print the newsletter from this link.

Click here to see all blogs

A Quick Look at “Vision Night” in Joplin

Vision Night in Joplin and Indianapolis are behind us and we are looking forward to Phoenix this Friday. Check out this video to see the fun we had in Joplin.


A Party Beyond Description

by Mike Schrage

Last year I attended the wedding reception of a good friend’s son. It was an evening of reconnecting with long-time friends and memory making. It reminded me
of the party…



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