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A Cup of Cold Water

by Dee Ann Miller, Administrative Assistant at GNPI

The generous, faithful gifts of churches and individuals to GNPI provide hope and refreshment that accelerates global evangelism. These are just some of the encouraging messages we have recently received from GNPI partners…


More News From GNPI…


A Quick Look at “Vision Night” in Joplin – see what Vision Night

   in Joplin looked like in this quick video.

Change is Good – This blog by founding Board Member Everett

   Forkner was so popular last week, we thought we’d give you

   another chance if you missed it.


Click here to see all blogs

Pray for Ukraine

This video will lead you through 2-1/2 minutes of prayer for the country of Ukraine.


Core Value: Integrity

by Mike Schrage

You’ve likely heard these admonishments:
– Integrity is what you

  are when the lights are

– A man’s word is his

– Integrity has no need

  of rules.

As a young boy on the farm, I remember a younger farmer asking our neighbor…



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