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The Psalm 117 Music Video


We are thankful for everyone in our network (12 nations and 8 languages) who helped with this project. We hope it will bring smiles to many faces as we all rejoice in God’s love toward His people…  READ MORE

Behind the Scenes of Psalm 117

Greg Fish, Creative Media Designer

At our Vision Night events we are releasing a network-wide music video. We are so pleased with the work our partners did. It’s better than we imagined. We wanted to share a little bit about the process of making it. It’s great to see how far and wide the ministry of GNPI reaches and to see the faces of some of those who make GNPI what it is today.


Identity Matters

Mike Schrage


Identity is a sensitive issue. In the New Testament a person identified as a Galilean was considered uneducated. Fishermen were equally held in low opinion. Jews looked down on Samaritans as half-breeds. Identity mattered, and it still matters today. Shortly after the 2014 Summer Olympics, Vladimir Putin…


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