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Spring 2016 Prayer Report

We praise God for our ministry partners and the blessings He has given to our global network. “Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”

— Psalm 62:8 (NIV)  READ MORE

Women of Worth


Project Nomad-South Africa has completed a promotional video for a local ministry in Johannesburg. The Women of Worth (WOW) ministry empowers women with opportunities to get them off the streets. The Good News Doll project provides jobs and teaches skills. More importantly, the doll wears a multicolored, beaded necklace that is a visual aid for sharing the Gospel.


The Key to Identifying

a Counterfeit

Mike Schrage


“Don’t worry about the counterfeit; just know the original.” Years ago this advice was given to a friend of our family. His daughter worked as a bank teller, and she was concerned about being cheated when she began her job. The principle…



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