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A Kingdom Shaker’s Journey (Part Two)

by Guest Blogger, Samantha Allgood, a student in British Columbia


TP began his evangelism work in 1993. “I just shared what I knew,” he says in a simple, matter-of-fact way. At the time, he began his studies at a Bible Institute in SE Asia, while his wife and family of three years remained in one of the northern towns. Previously, TP studied at a regional college (1979-1981) and and a university (1982-1986), where he majored in zoology and was a top student and organization leader within his student body. To continue at the Bible college, he quit his current job… READ MORE

A View of Vision Night 2015


On March 12, GNPI hosted Vision Night in Joplin, Missouri. It was a blessing to hear from Sergei Golovin about how God is working in Ukraine and Russia. Here is a short video that captures some of the excitement and what it meant to Sergei.


Unshakable Commitment

By Mike Schrage


A security guard stood outside the doors. We worshiped once inside, but it was the workshop topic announced afterward that hit me like a ton of bricks. It was titled, “How to encourage your family to stay faithful when persecuted.”



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