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A Global Effort

By Bob Sartoris, International Director
At a recent conference focused on outreach to the Muslim world, it was exciting to be able to launch the distribution of two new versions of The Global Gospel produced in the Arabic language. One was based on an earlier version of the Scripture, known as the Smith & Van Dyke translation, and the other was based on a more recent translation, referred to as the Ketab El Hayat, or Book of Life version


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Karl Wendt on The Global Gospel


Karl Wendt has wonderful vocal talent! …He makes it look easy. However, several years ago, when he did the English narration of The Global Gospel, he admitted that it was a challenge for him. Here he is in a clip from an older video describing what it was like to make Scripture come alive in this project.


Touching Lives in India

By Mike Schrage

Caste systems don’t show humanity’s brighter side. They combine racial, religious, and economic discrimination into one brutal package. This was never the plan of God. His plan is what our staff in India has actively undertaken – India reaching out to those who are from the low caste.



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