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Raziel Shares His Story

The recent presentation of the short film, Desatado por Sangre (Raziel’s story), was a great blessing. The film is about how God can transform the life of a down-and-out addict. The auditorium was packed. More than 330 people attended the presentation. Raziel preached the Gospel after the film.


More News From GNPI…


A Lump in My Throat – Last week’s feature from Tom Nutt.

• An Old Song Made New – We recently featured GNPI-Ukraine’s

   new music video, but did you miss their earlier release?
A Peaceful Vacation – Don’t go on vacation without first

   reading guest blogger David Duncan’s tips.
Thai City Street – Travel to Thailand through this photograph.

Click here to see all the blogs

Wars and Rumors of Wars


“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed.” You know the verse… and it’s always scary.



Grow and Develop the GNPI Board of Directors!

By Mike Schrage

As I sat in his office and explained GNPI’s new strategic plan, the missions pastor [said]…, “So many non-profit ministries overlook the importance of an effective and robust board. I’m glad to hear that GNPI has a priority of growing and developing your board.”




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