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Incredible Feedback from GNPI-Mexico

by Gustavo Velázquez, Regional Director of GNPI-Mexico


I would like to share come comments people have written on YouTube and Vimeo about our videos… 


More News From GNPI…


Widow’s Mites Become Mighty Gifts – Last week’s feature about

  faithful giving and the reasons behind it. 
Jesus, Friend of Sinners – From the archives: Casting Crown‘s

  hit song in a GNPI music video with a challenging message.

Click here to see all the blogs

Pray for South Africa


Violent crimes are commonplace and the murder rate is seven times that of the USA. There are 1,200 victims buried each day due to the AIDS epidemic…


Prayer and Information

are Interconnected

By Mike Schrage


Recently at GNPI, we have been more intentionally engaged in prayer. I would like to share a few great insights from Chris Maynard, who is associated with Operation World, about how information fuels prayer.




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