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Widows’ Mites Become Mighty Gifts

In Luke 21, Jesus noticed the offerings of the widow who brought her coins to the temple. The ministry of GNPI is also blessed by widows who trust the Lord to work through GNPI in spreading the Gospel around the world.



More News From GNPI…


My Cup Runneth Over! – Last week’s feature by Nenette

  Pacoli on how youth respond to relevant episodes of WWJD.

Summer and Joy – A favorite photo of the innocence of kids.
New Showings of All Things New – Nenette Pacoli also reports

  on screenings of the film All Things New in the Philippines.

Click here to see all the blogs

Pray for the Philippines


GNPI’s regional center in the Philippines is located in Manila on the island of Luzon… More than 80% of the people in the Philippines claim Catholicism as their religion and only 3% call themselves evangelical Christians.



By Mike Schrage


I recently had the privilege of interviewing a young woman for a new position in GNPI’s Joplin office… [and] asked her why she would consider taking a pay cut and moving 300 miles from home. She said, “Because I think this is what God wants me to do.”





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