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My Cup Runneth Over!

by Nenette Pacoli, regional director of GNPI-Philippines

My friend, Pastor NS, visited our office this morning to tell of his experience of showing WWJD to young people in a small but growing church north of Manila. In February, he showed the WWJD episode of Courtship to more than 70 young people, more than half of whom were non-Christians


More News From GNPI…


Raziel Shares His Story – Last week’s feature on the short film

   Desatado Por Sangre being debuted in Mexico.
Grow and Develop the GNPI Board of Directors – See their

   faces and learn a bit about each of our board members.

Click here to see all the blogs

Pray for SE Asia

Some countries in SE Asia are not receptive to the Gospel, as Buddhism is the number one religion in that region of the world. But truly, not a week goes by that we don’t receive word from our co-workers there telling us of people coming to know the Lord and “taking baptism.”


Increase the Annual Revenue by 48%!

By Mike Schrage


With two-thirds of the world still seeking Christ, the challenge of every kingdom worker is huge. At GNPI, we’ve established key strategic goals to outline our path forward in doing the work we feel God has given us.





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