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It Was Already Paid!

by Boyce Mouton, minister, author, GNPI ministry partner

Dr. Kim has been a worker in SE Asia for 20 years. He has a small seminary, and his students are so poor that he must provide for all of their expenses. He has been using Bible-based teaching material produced by GNPI for some time, but his first visit to the studio in Joplin was on May 14, 2014 . . . READ MORE

More News From GNPI…


• Solar Kit in a Leper Colony – Last week’s feature about ministry

   at GNPI-Chandigarh, India.
• Visit GNPI’s booth #113 at the North American Christian

   Convention on July 8-11.

• Click here to see all the blogs.

Pray for Mali

Mali has one of the world’s highest rates of infant mortality with 106 deaths per 1,000 births. Almost half of the population is under the age of 15. Please watch this video and intercede for this nation to come to know Jesus Christ and the truth of his Word.


An Important Summit!

By Mike Schrage

I recently sat with 20 vernacular media consultants at an annual summit of media use by minority people groups around the world through Wycliff Bible Translators. They concluded that more production of digital media was desperately needed to speed up the translation process . . .




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