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Relevance Requires Real Homework

Peter Ignatius, president of Lakeview Bible College & Seminary, recently visited GNPI in Joplin. All the students training for church planting ministry in Chennai, India, must take some media training to make them more effective. Peter said the young people of India do not respond to the spoken word, so visual and media are extremely important in this country... READ MORE

Thai Christian Sharing Their Faith


The video team of GNPI ministry partner, Freedom Films Productions, captures stories of faith and encouragement. Some are testimonials, while others are of teachers sharing biblical Truths. Some are even of pastors in Thai churches who share powerful sermons in the Thai language. Tom and Gayle Silkwood assist in providing English subtitles for each story. Thai speakers everywhere can now watch uploaded messages on YouTube…

Church: The Next

Best Thing

By Mike Schrage


Recently I heard Dr. Mark Scott say in a sermon, “We haven’t done everything right as the Church, but we are the best thing to have happened on earth until Jesus’ comes back!” I agree. Though our local congregations aren’t perfect, there are glimpses into what Christ has called us to be.



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