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Telling The Story Simply

By Victor Knowles, GNPI Board Member and President of Peace on Earth Ministries in Joplin, MO
I’ve been pleased to serve on the board of directors for GNPI since 1990, including nine years as Chairman of the Board. I don’t know of any other ministry that gives such precision and detail to doing what GNPI has been accomplishing for nearly 40 years. It is truly a unique and classic ministry that has blessed multiplied millions around the globe…  READ MORE

Praises to God from Pachuca


Our NOMaD team in Pachuca, Mexico, recently recorded this beautiful and meaningful worship song:
“Huella Celestial”
It’s all revolving
The world spins out of control
Time runs out
Moment by moment
The clock is ticking fast
Everything goes by quickly
Your smile fades away
There’s nowhere to escape
I need to slow down and seriously think
About the footprint that I wanna leave behind…

Media in Malawi

By Mike Schrage


Ralph Waldo Emerson noted, “You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”  Scripture says it this way, “Now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). This week I had the opportunity to visit with two young missionaries in Malawi. They represent the new role many western missionaries play. They are not missionaries as you might think. Rather, they are facilitators equipping leaders in the local church.




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