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Maya in Monterrey and Beyond

Edith Medellín is a young mother living in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. She loves reading and has found this an excellent way to share the Gospel with her neighbors. She encourages reading by taking books to parks and even promotes her interests with a reading room she created. Here she shares Gospel stories that carry morals and messages from the Word…  READ MORE

Pray for Hindus


Intercede for Hindus along with this prayercast video.
Pray for God’s Holy Spirit to move among Hindus all over the world to bring them to Christ. Ask God to change the world through the newly born Christians. Pray for Christians to have strength, boldness, and humility in the name of Jesus Christ.

Spoken Word

By Mike Schrage


I just returned from an enriching time at the 2015 North American Christian Convention (NACC). The theme for the gathering was “We Speak.” 
Obviously, you and I understand what’s behind the spoken word…
However, did you know there is a literary process called “Spoken word?”



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