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This Wonderful Gift

A message of joyful thanks we want to share with you, our ministry partners, from Joshua V, a Christian worker in India:
I can’t tell you how useful our Solar Kit has been. We used it in 27 different villages so far, with almost 2,000 people attending to see our Gospel film programs. We had 138 people who gave their lives to Jesus, and in one village the whole tribe converted.  READ MORE

The Good News Farming Project


Debbie Cramer shares her appreciation for GNPI and why she chose to name a project in honor of the ministry. She explains how the Lord provided for her both as a student at Ozark Christian College and also when she and her husband began their ministry, Gifts for the Nations.

Transformation Agents

Mike Schrage


This year we celebrate 40 years of ministry at GNPI. The methods have changed from filmstrips, various video formats, and satellite uplink to digital media and Internet delivery systems. Ziden Nutt said many times, “The methods change, but the Message remains the same.”


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