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Liam & Ruby Are Ready!

Liam & Ruby would like you to join them in six, short episodes as they spend a week discovering new things at their grandparents. We don’t want to spoil it for you, but one of their favorite finds is an old Solar Kit that Grandma and Grandpa used while they were missionaries in Africa.


This is the newest kids series from GNPI. We think it’s great, but here … see for yourself. This is the first episode.


More News From GNPI…


A Thriving NOMaD Team – Last week’s feature about all that

   the team in Pachuca, Mexico, has been accomplishing.

A Great Victory! – Sergei Golovin of GNPI-Ukraine on the

   publication of 12 Russian textbooks that teach creation.
• Answered Prayers and Ministry Highlights – part 1, 2, 3, 4

Click here to see all the blogs 

The Answer to Our Puzzle

For the last three years in a row, you have helped us reach and exceed our goal to raise funds for 100 Solar Kits. In 2014, we received funds for 104 Solar Kits. We wanted to share a few written and video comments about the Solar Kits that were provided in 2014. People describe their appreciation for Solar Kits in lots of ways — “this gift,” “the generous contribution,” “the answer to our puzzle.”



Looking Forward

By Mike Schrage


As we begin 2015, I wanted to share an insightful secular perspective on faith from Ara Norenzayan… “In a moment, everything can change… For some reason, religion seems to give meaning to suffering- much more so than any secular ideal or belief that we know of.




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