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God Multiplies Our Efforts

Sergei Golovin, Regional Director of GNPI-Ukraine
We are amazed to see how God’s work advanced in 2015. Here are some of the highlights despite trouble and turmoil. Political and social unease should not distract us from following Him. The Lord always uses our efforts for His glory beyond our plans and expectations…  READ MORE

More News From GNPI…


• Happy New Year
• Pray for Germany

• Click here to see all the blogs

Speedy Solar Kit Assembly


Tom Nutt, GNPI director of operations, wears many hats. He works diligently to keep up with requests for Solar Kits. He orders supplies, uploads media to micro SD cards, and prepares Solar Kits to be sent to Christian workers around the world…


Networking Synergy

Mike Schrage


GNPI loves the synergy that results from networking! Veteran missionaries to South Africa, Jeff and Patrick Kenee, stopped by the Joplin office to see our Solar Kit, which had been enhanced quite a bit since they had last seen it. We also visited about Project Nomad…  READ MORE

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Contact us to learn about charitable strategies that can make taxes optional. (Learn More)

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