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A Joyful Message: The Good News Was Proclaimed


This is a special note of appreciation sent to Director of Operations Tom Nutt, who coordinates all the requests and assembles all the Solar Kits at GNPI in the Joplin office. Tom wanted to share it with all of you who make this ministry possible.  READ MORE

More Highlights From GNPI…


• God Opens Doors

• Click here to see all the blogs

Finally Rejoicing


The Global Gospel in Spanish was finally released earlier this year! After many long delays to get final permission for the Spanish translation of the Scriptures, it is our great joy to share this version. GNPI’s International Consultant Bob Gurwell discusses with International Director Bob Sartoris why this version is so special.

Celebrating God’s

Amazing Network

Mike Schrage


After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. — Revelation 7.9 



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