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God Opens Doors

Tom Silkwood, Regional Director of GNPI-Thailand
Our ministry goal is to have materials ready to distribute whenever we hear about a need. A woman recently stopped by our office in Chiang Mai to inquire about our materials. Over 40 hours of preaching in the Lisu language were loaded onto a tiny thumb drive and given to this new friend.


Winter 2015 Prayer Report


It is always encouraging to look back over the last few months and see how God is working throughout our entire network region by region. We praise God for His faithfulness. We thank you for your partnership with GNPI.

Prince of Peace

Mike Schrage


Scripture refers to Jesus as the Prince of Peace. He offers a gift of peace that cannot be understood by the world. It’s a paradox. How can discipleship that often includes violence, severed relationships, and loss of material possessions be considered peaceful?

The birth of Jesus demonstrated this tension. 



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