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People Are Coming to Christ

TP, Regional Director of GNPI-SE Asia
God is working through us, and people are coming to Christ. Last Saturday our pastor came to my house and told me a man wanted to learn about the true and living God the next evening. The pastor asked if I would explain the Gospel to him. I said, “Yes, I will.”  READ MORE

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GNPI’s 2015 International Hour of Prayer


GNPI hosted our third annual International Hour of Prayer on December 2nd. Many of our coworkers around the world were able to participate in this special time of praying for each other. 
This video captures some of the highlights:

The Cost of Discipleship

Mike Schrage


The 23 year-old missionary shocked his listeners as he shared a recent baptism story. The young man submitting to Christ came with his face swollen and a tooth missing. His family and friends had physically tried to prevent him from choosing Christ, but he wasn’t deterred…


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