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A Wonderful Combination

By Simmi Dhingra of GNPI-Chandigarh, India

Thank you for your love and prayers for us. Our work is going really well. Last month we had 10 baptism services throughout different churches. We really thank God that he was able to use the GNPI studio, specifically through our Solar Kits, to reach people for Christ


More News From GNPI…


Get Ready…Here Come Liam & Ruby! – Last week’s feature 

   about our new animated kids series.
How Do You Use This Thing? – A neat story about how some

   missionaries got technical assistance from GNPI-Uganda.
Holiday Shopping with AmazonSmile – Find out how easily your

   Amazon shopping can be set up to benefit the ministry!

Click here to see all the blogs


Bobby works with Care India, an NGO that has been working in India for over 60 years…Bobby was at this year’s ICOM a few weeks ago and he stopped by the GNPI booth. He attended NOMaD training in India. He wants to use this training…well, listen to him tell you.


A Simple Yellow Box

By Mike Schrage

New GNPI Board Member, Robb Good writes: As I sat in my first GNPI board meeting and listened to the extensive reach of the ministry, I was surprised at what simple tools were used to reach others with the Gospel. In a video, I saw a bright yellow Solar Kit on the back of a motorcycle heading into a small village…




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