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A Smile in South Sudan!

The huge smile on Nora Gen’s face said it all. She had just been given a digital copy of an audio Bible and some GNPI videos she could now play on her new mobile phone. Sharing the audio Scripture with her invalid mother, who was unable to read, would allow her to hear the Gospel in her own Madi language.


More News From GNPI…


A Brand New Church – In case you missed last week’s feature,

  here is an inspirational post about a new church in SE Asia.
God is Moving! – Read an email from a man in Thailand who

  received 30 DVDs and was so happy to obtain these resources.

Click here to see all the blogs

Solar Kit 2014 Ogiek Community

GNPI-Kenya had been praying for wisdom about how to reach the neglected and forgotten Ogiek community of central Kenya. The Solar Kit empowers ministers to have a greater impact.


A Glimpse into Kenya

By Mike Schrage

Last week I invited you to come with me for a journey around the world to visit some of the places GNPI works, to meet our regional directors, and to learn more about the cultures and worldviews in which we work. First stop: Kenya.




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