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Celebrating Your Impact

We’re standing in awe of what God has done in response to recent Vision Night events. Hundreds of GNPI friends and supporters gathered at our venues in Joplin, Indianapolis, and Phoenix. They saw up close our new look and branding changes, heard highlights of our new strategic plan, and experienced our work in India through the eyes of GNPI-Damoh, India’s regional director, Manee Massey…


More News From GNPI…


God of All – Pa See shows photos of diverse places where GNPI

   has gone: from rice fields, to urban cities, to slums.
Set the Bar High – Last week’s feature about showing GNPI-

   Philippines’ WWJD to college students, in case you missed it.
Training to Go! – 
Jason Miller (NOMaD Coordinator) describes

   our new Level 1 training kits in this video.

Click here to see all the blogs

A 6-Minute Reminder

Casting Crowns has a great song called, “Jesus, Friend of Sinners.” We’ve made it into a music video to remind us of God’s love and how He wants us to share His love with others.


GNPI Living Room Sessions, Part 3

By Mike Schrage

In the world today, how do we reach out to people of Islam, Hinduism, or Buddhism? GNPI has regional centers and NOMaD teams. But when we look at the number of people who follow these religions, we need to do more!




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