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Introducing The Global Gospel App!

GNPI is very pleased to announce the release of the Android version of The Global Gospel App! The Global Gospel App contains a series of 88 short videos that present the life and teachings of Jesus Christ using colorful illustrations and dramatic Bible readings. These simple stories, completed in multiple languages, allow users around the world to see and hear what Jesus taught in this engaging, easy-to-use smartphone App


Vince Vigil on Solar Kits


The Solar Kit is a wonderful piece of technology that has adapted through the years. We talk a lot about Solar Kits because they are an integral part of what we do at GNPI. These kits, along with the content played on them, continue to make a huge impact on many lives around the globe. When Vince Vigil stopped by our Joplin office, we asked him specifically about the Solar Kit program in Uganda:


Connecting the Dots

By Mike Schrage


Has God ever connected important dots for you? He did for me not long ago. 

In 2002, before I left my time of service at GNPI-Kenya in Nairobi, Bob Sartoris asked me an important question. “Mike, before you leave Kenya and resettle in the States next year, what one message would you like to leave with the Kenyan Church?”



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