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Indigitous Conference 2015


I want to personally thank GNPI for sending me to the Indigitous 2015 Bangalore conference. I was exposed to new technology, ideas, understanding, and most importantly, new contacts. I was one of the first to share a project idea on stage. Only nine people were selected, so I felt really blessed to be chosen.  READ MORE

Produce. Partner. Train.


GNPI-Philippines’ mission is to produce excellent, culturally relevant materials and to partner with Christ-centered churches and organizations. Part of that partnership is to share our materials with them or train people in production. Produce. Partner. Train.



Pumpkin Seeds

By Mike Schrage


Do you know the principle of the pumpkin seed? 
I refer to Seth Godin regularly because I really respect many of the things he writes. In a recent blog he shared thoughts about pumpkin seeds:  “You can do two things with pumpkin seeds . . .



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