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The Boundless Message of Jesus

Is media good or bad? Positive or negative? The answer is yes. It’s both, and it depends solely on the message behind the media. More often than not, in a fallen world, the numerous messages bombarding us through media are negative influences working toward destruction. Yet, GNPI is all about redeeming the powerful medium of media and using it for the good of the world. We accomplish this great feat because our Message is Jesus, and his power is boundless… READ MORE

Behind the Scenes (The Boundless Message)


As you can see from this video, our Creative Team’s filming on location at Union Station in Joplin, MO, was a smashing success! Yes, those words were carefully chosen. [Taking a sledgehammer to a TV] was a chance to contrast the vision of GNPI, carrying the boundless message of Jesus through its positive use of media. 


Upholding Garissa, Kenya

By Mike Schrage


Recently terrorists attacked a college in Garissa, Kenya, killing 147 college students, making a statement of their hatred toward Christianity.  Garissa is located in the dry, northern part of Kenya. The news was especially disheartening for me, as Kenya was my family’s home for almost 20 years…   READ MORE


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