A Thrilling Outcome

Manee Massey, Regional Director of GNPI-Damoh, India


Our staff is thrilled and excited by the outcome of the 2017 Easter program! We enjoy connecting with those who contact us about our broadcasts on national television. These connections are more than just a follow-up strategy. Talking with these viewers about the Lord renews our purpose, energy, and heart for ministry… READ MORE

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From the Pond to the Ocean

Isaac Masiga, Regional Director of GNPI-Nairobi, Kenya


Our team is working with 47 faith based broadcasters from all over Kenya. Our partnership started with several Public Service Announcements on various subjects. Then we moved into three live broadcasts about national security. Working with this broadcast group has opened new opportunities for us to reach millions of people with biblical content. God has plucked us from a pond and put us into the ocean to fish for Him.


The Power of a Share

Mike Schrage


In advertising, word of mouth is the power customers have to make or break a new restaurant. In today’s social media environment, the power of the “share” is just as influential. Watch this short video illustrating how you can like, comment, share, and donate. The effort of a click is a moment of your time or a few dollars, but…


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