Prayerfully Connected


You know how much it means to gather with loved ones this time of year. Nearly 40 global partners from around the world connected digitally for an international hour of prayer on December 6. These special prayer times are a powerful reminder that our great God loves and understands people in each language … READ MORE

Venture in Faith Podcast: Don & Cathy Eichelberger


The Eichelbergers’ baby girl developed health problems and was rushed to a hospital 70 miles away soon after she was born. Don and Cathy share their testimony of how the Lord’s presence and the prayers of His people sustained them during those anxious days.





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A Good Platform among Muslims


Your giving is influencing young students for Christ in Tanzania through a Solar Kit. Christian workers in Tanzania write, “Praise the Lord! We are grateful for the Solar Kit which has been instrumental in proclaiming the Gospel in a Muslim dominated school.” The school has 431 pupils and only six pupils are Christians. The headmaster allows the Christian workers to show films to the pupils …


Jesus: Our Shepherd

Mike Schrage


The birth of Christ is a wonderful Christmas message for those who love and follow him. It is a consistent message, a communique from God that echoed down the halls of history prior to Jesus’ birth. This same message continued during the life of Jesus. It was His “good news for all men” message because it is a message …


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