We’re back in Pakistan. New Church Plant, Fundraising Update, and other news!

Back in Pakistan: New Church Plant!
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New Hope Christian Ministries of Pakistan

Sam and Brittany Gill

August 18, 2018

Sam, Brittany and family, along with Sam’s dad and Rachel, at Church on Sunday morning, right after arriving in Pakistan

Back in Pakistan

We arrived back in Pakistan on Saturday, July 7th, just right before Sunday. The picture, above, shows us all at Church. We were welcomed very warmly by the people, with kids throwing rose pedals, outside, to the Church members putting garlands around us, on stage. It was nice to be back to our own home, after a short, brief visit to the States. We were extremely thankful and grateful to all of the people who hosted us with their wonderful hospitality and for those who had us speak in their Churches.

We have some important updates for you, which we will mention, down below, in our newsletter.

An Important Note about our Phone Number/Contact Information… if you had the number 208-340-5193 (or any other US number, except for our forwarding agent’s number), please delete it from your phone. This number has been disconnected, along with all of the other USA numbers. Every time we have come to visit the states, we always have to get a temporary new number, just for the time we are visiting. Then, it has to be disconnected, every time we go back. We do have Pakistan International numbers that remain constant, though. Those numbers are listed, down below, in our Newsletter.

In case you missed some of our last E-Newsletters:

June 30, 2018: "Sunday Get-Together"

June 28th, 2018: "NACC

June 18th, 2018: "4 Baptisms"

Earlier in June, this month: "Speaking Trip Updates" – https://mailchi.mp/ed907e71d328/speaking-trip-updates?e=6d1b5e7fa4

May, 2018: "We’re in Boise" – https://mailchi.mp/24b087ad2b72/were-in-boise?e=6d1b5e7fa4

April 20, 2018: "New Forwarding Agent" – https://mailchi.mp/f08c0420825a/new-forwarding-agent?e=6d1b5e7fa4

Early April, 2018: "Praising God in the Storms" – https://mailchi.mp/20dba54d1328/praising-god-in-the-storms

February 2017: "Christmas Festivities" – https://mailchi.mp/5a470ea4d637/christmas-festivities

December 25, 2017: "Incredible Trip to the USA" (Featuring our 17-state speaking tour) – https://mailchi.mp/3eec14cc070c/incredible-trip-to-the-usa-984797

New Church Plant: Our Fifth Church!
By the Grace of God, we have planted a new Church: Church #5! Due to security reasons, we are not giving out the location. Here are some pictures, down below.

There was a Preaching Minister who led this Church, already. Somehow, three years ago, he got into contact with us, and Sam met with him. After Sam met with him, several times, and had the the chance to talk with him on certain subjects, such as Bible Doctrine and other things, Sam really liked this man and felt that he was a trustworthy worker of Christ. This man was really wanting to partner with us, but needed a salary. After Sam and I talked and prayed about this, we felt that God was opening a door for this new opportunity to plant this Church, in a different part of Pakistan. We felt that God would be very happy with this decision and felt that God would provide our ministry with the finances to pay this Preaching Minister a decent salary, so he could work with us. We decided to go ahead with this decision and add this man to our staff as another one of our Ministers. In addition, when Sam visited his Church, for the second time, he declared that this would be one of our Churches associated with NHCMP. The response was wonderful.

Previously, in 2016, when our American friend, Tom Mullenix, visited Pakistan (his second visit), he visited this Church before this Church became one of our Churches. This minister had been meeting and contacting Sam, and had invited us to come out and visit his Church. So, during that time, Tom, came with Sam, along with some of his staff members. The response was very wonderful, at that time.

We are very happy to be able to say that we have planted this new Church, as a part of NHCMP and as our Fifth Church.

Crisis with one of our Church families…
Please pray for one of our Church families. They are suffering with Tuberculosis, and the dad has Hepatitis C. Many years ago, two of their immediate family members were killed by Tuberculosis. Again, this disease has reappeared, in their family, and has affected their little girl, and perhaps more members of their family. The little girl is around 7 years old. When Sam personally visited them, he realized that this whole family looked very fragile and skinny, which made Sam wonder if the whole family had the disease.

We are trying our best to help them and are still in the process. It has been a little difficult, because the dad of this family is not taking his family’s health very seriously, even though their health is a life and death matter, right now.

Our ministry recently gave them some money to see the Doctor and get tested. Initially, they didn’t go right away, and after reminding them and following up on it, they all finally went to get tested. They all came in to the Hospital and got X-Ray reports and testing. That was when they found out that the dad of this family also has Hepatitis C.

In addition, the family also told the Doctor that the mother of the kids was using medicine for TB for 5 years and the Doctor was shocked to hear that. He said that she was not supposed to be taking this medicine for that long of a time. She is supposed to be on new medicine, but the Doctor said there could be some residue of the leftover medicine in her body still there, which makes the situation a little more complicated.

Secondly, this family was supposed to go back in for a follow-up appointment. The dad was late to his appointment and he was supposed to bring his wife in to get her tested for some extra things, but he never brought her.

Sam told the dad of this family, "Okay, why don’t you come and meet us at our house and we will take you to the Doctor." The dad never showed up.

Sometimes, when helping people from a poor community (including those who have never been to school and have never learned how to read and write), it can be really challenging. Some of these people feel very reluctant and hesitant to see a Doctor. There are some people who take things seriously, including their health, but unfortunately some people are very careless and don’t know how to value things that should be valued…like their health.. especially when it is a life and death situation, involving their kids.

Previously, we helped this family admit their girls into our school. We really don’t want to see the kids die, and are feeling really bad for them. It’s really hard when the dad is not taking their health, seriously. Secondly, he has been known to be a lazy guy. He is not hard-working. That complicates the situation and makes it harder, when we are trying to help them.

So what you can do is pray that this family DOES take their health seriously and will actively respond to the help they have been given to take the necessary steps to get well. Secondly, pray that this family can live and not die. We really don’t want to see that happen, especially with the kids. We try our best to take care of our own Christian people, especially those who have been very involved in our Churches.