I would like to thank you so much for praying for me!  I had a torn ligament and last week I couldn’t walk at all.  One of the girls on my floor found some arm crutches for me to get around and I used them with difficulty last week. I did miss a few classes.  However, God was with me through all of your prayers.  The girls on my floor, especially five who are in my prayer group, were so helpful and kind to me.  They brought meals to my room, prayed and read scriptures to encourage me and even ran errands for me – like doing my laundry and returning my library books.  I was so touched and encouraged by them.  I am very glad I decided to live in residence instead of in an apartment by myself!
       Also the family who takes me to church every Sunday had already told me about their doctor trained in both Western and Chinese medicine.  He helped their daughter who had a degenerating disease and was able to arrest it.  So, they arranged for me to go to their doctor for acupuncture and even paid for my treatment.  It really took away half of the pain.  I praise God and thank them for helping me.  Zamiram and her family took me to the doctor and now want to go back and get treated there too!
       Since then, I have been improving every day and getting stronger.  I was able to attend classes this week and everyone was so considerate and helpful!  One girl carried my school bag and another got me a coffee to survive the three hour evening course and presentation I had to give that night. A third student accompanied me back to my room and brought me some medicinal ointment good for aching muscles and pain.  
       Today, I can walk without the crutches, bend my knees as before and walk on my whole foot.  I praise God for healing me so quickly and thank you so much for your loving prayers.
      My birthday was actually on Monday, April 7th.  However, because I wasn’t quite “up to it”,  I postponed the celebration until this weekend.  The girls on my floor are having a small party for me on Friday and on Saturday, I have been asked to speak at the Tyndale Seminary Spring Banquet, sharing my experiences at Tyndale.  On Sunday, I will be celebrating with my daughter Elizabeth and her husband Josep along with niece Zamiram and family and my aunt Shirley and cousins in Toronto.  It will be a wonderful occasion. It is not only my birthday but also Zamiram’s son, Matthew who will turn 3 years old on April 12th.  A joint birthday for me and my great-nephew!
        I have one more week of classes, a huge exegetical paper to finish and one difficult take home exam in History of Christianity.  Please pray that I will do my best and finish well and that my speaking on Saturday at the Spring Banquet will be inspired by God’s Spirit.
        Another praise and a new responsibiltiy – I have been elected to the Tyndale Seminary Student Council as Mission Coordinator.  I will be in charge of promoting missions at the Seminary, arranging mission chapels and seminars and helping to raise support for missions.  It is an awesome job and one that I am passionate about too!
        I will also be attending for the first time, a Passover service and meal at a local Messianic congregation on Sat. April 19th.  I have been to their congregation before and was very touched by their love for both the Torah and Jesus, their Messiah.
        Please also pray for one girl on our floor, Jamie,  who is in the attached picture carrying my flowers. Just a few months ago, her brother was shot and killed and today she just received news that her young uncle also died.  This is very hard on her while she is studying and very hard on for her mother losing her son and now her younger brother.  I have been praying with her.  I can also see why it is good for me to live on campus as I have been able to pray and encourage the girls on my floor as they have been going through tough times.  
        May we all encourage those around us and especially with the good news that Jesus has risen and has conquered both sin and death..   
        May God bless you with a Joyful and Meaningful Easter, as we remember our Risen Saviour Jesus – He is Risen Indeed!

