Bonjour from The Shady Family and French Christian Mission!
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Merry Christmas from the Shady Family! 

Merry Christmas, or as we say here in France, Joyeux Noël! Christmas in Paris is nothing short of magical, and we have thoroughly enjoyed soaking up this season within the French culture. In many ways, Christmas in France is very much the same as in the States. People decorate with lights, set out nativity scenes, go ice-skating, put up trees, take pictures with Santa, and exchange gifts. Of course, there are differences as well. Some of the foods are different. A wonderful dish called tartiflette is a winter-time staple, and the traditional Christmas cake (bûche de Noël or yule log) is an absolute must. Additionally, it wouldn’t be Christmas in France without going to a little market to get a small gift or a tasty treat.

Tartiflette – a French dish made with potatoes, Reblochon cheese, bacon and onions
This is our first Christmas in France, so it has been truly exciting for our family to embrace traditions, new and old, in our new home. One of our favorite experiences so far has been the Christmas Carol service that our church did on Sunday, December 17. Sung all in French, we covered all the standard carols and it was such a joy to hear them sung in this beautiful language. Many people brought their family and friends and our attendance was so great that the service had to be held in a larger room in the movie theater! It was such an amazing answer to prayer to celebrate the birth of Jesus with this wonderful group of people. Click here to listen to one of the Christmas carols that we sung!
The day before this service there was a wonderful Christmas event for children hosted by our church. On top of being told the story of Jesus’ birth, the kids made beautiful crafts, enjoyed some yummy goodies, and sang a couple songs. Jessica was asked to make three of the special Christmas cakes, the bûches de Noël, and they were a big hit despite being her first attempt. If you’re interested in making one of your own, you can use find a recipe here. Be warned, it might become a family tradition for you too! At this fun event for children, there were 23 kids that came, and 15 were from unchurched families. PRAISE THE LORD!
Bûche de Noël – traditional Christmas dessert in France
The end of the year is a great time for reflection, and as we look back on this year, we have been blown away by God’s faithfulness and your generosity. His love that came into this world as a baby and was fulfilled on the cross is still being shared 2000 years later through believers committed to seeing the Great Commission fulfilled. We thank you for your faith in the Lord and his commands, and your support of our journey to serve Him here in Paris, France.

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones and happy New Year!

Blessings to You,
Glen and Jessica



Want to learn some French for Christmas? 

Merry Christmas = Joyeux Noël
Santa Claus = Père Noël
Happy New Year = Bonne Année

We are The Shady Family, Glen, Jessica, Elizabeth, Hannah, and Maddie, serving in France.

Learn – Connect – Plant


Praise & Prayers

Église Saint Lazare. We ask for your prayers for the leaders of this plant, Etienne and Joe and their families, and that all those who are attending will be bold each day as we share the Gospel.


Language Studies. Over the past 11 months, our language abilities have been growing steadily, and we’re on target to meet our goals for the end of the year. Pray for continued growth and depth of our understanding and abilities in French.  

Pray for the Lost. We can never forget what we are here for. This nation is less than 1% Evangelical, and they desperately need the Gospel. Pray that through the efforts of all believers here, the people of France would come to know Jesus.

In French

Un Sauveur vous est né aujourd’hui dans la ville de David; c’est lui le Messie, le Seigneur. Et voici à quoi vous le reconnaîtrez: vous trouverez un nouveau-né dans ses langes et couché dans une mangeoire.
Luc 2:11-12 BDS

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.
Luke 2:11-12

Interested in supporting our ministry financially? Donations can be mailed to 1509 Parlor City Drive, Bluffton, IN, 46714or by clicking the link below.

All donations made to French Christian Mission (FCM) are tax-deductible. FCM is a US non-profit religious organization under IRS section 501(c)3 and registered in the state of Indiana.

Copyright © 2017 French Christian Mission, All rights reserved.
Updates from Glen and Jessica Shady / French Christian Mission

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French Christian Mission