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Les Champs de France

The Fields of France

A Brief tour of the Roanoke Watershed

Sep 20, 2014 09:03 am



Nothing mindblowing here today but just an update on where we are going! Team LesChamps is driving from Roanoke Rapids to Roanoke. If you are an Oregon Trail fan don’t worry, we’ve packed enough axles for the trip. No news on whether Greg, Nikki or Ophelia will be doing the hunting.
Special huge thanks to the missions team at East Tenth Street Church of Christ in Roanoke Rapids for their wonderful hospitality this week and we look forward to spending some time with the fine folks at Edgewood Christian Church this weekend. If you happen to be on any of the routes marked on the map and see our Civic drive by give us a wave and a holler! We love to take breaks. 

Also, if this is your first time reading- welcome aboard!