Dear Supporters and Prayer partners,
Here is the February 2014 newsletter.  I am sorry to be late.  Even though I seem to have a lot of time, I don’t always manage to get everything done, and before I know it, it is the first of the month again.  They say time flies when you are having fun!  I can’t say that I am having “fun”, but I am keeping busy.
Your prayers are always needed and appreciated!  Praise the Lord!

Happy Chinese New Year (CNY) to all of CCC’s supporters, friends, and prayer partners!  Ah, that time of year again. CNY is the biggest, most important holiday of China and therefore, Hong Kong.  Today, Feb. 3 is the 4th day of this typically long holiday in Hong Kong. Chinese New Year celebrations, also known as the Spring Festival, in China last for about 23 days.  In Hong Kong, the schools had about a 10 day vacation.    Depending on the individual shop owners, some stores/shops may be closed for two weeks, some not so long.  The big grocery chains shortened their hours, but did not actually close.  Public services, such as bus companies, do not close.  The hospitals do not close.  The post office and government offices close.  This is similar to Christmas closings in the states.

So anyway, The Fairview Park Christian Church (FPCC) is having an outing today, the 4th day of CNY.  They are hiking on a mountain nearby.  I opted not to go, so am spending my day at my computer, catching up on things.  One of those things is this newsletter, which is late by several days.  My apologies!


To back up a bit:  Sunday, January 26 was a very exciting day for everyone at FPCC!  Our long time translator and pianist, Olivia, was married to church member Wu Wing Kwong.  Many church members were involved, from decorating to singing, praying and preaching!  The day started off with much excitement and ended with the wedding banquet that night.  Olivia was gorgeous in her wedding finery, and of course, W.K. was as handsome as could be.  We are all still excited for them in their new life together.  Please pray for them to continue grow and mature in their marriage relationship and their spiritual walk together.


Another back up bit:  for those of you who do not know from my prayer letter and Facebook page, I have discovered that I have a hole in the macula of my right eye.  I have an appointment next Monday with a retinal specialist at the Eye Clinic in Tuen Mun, about a 20 minute drive from my house.  I have a good friend who has offered to drive me there, as public transportation would take up to an hour.  I am sure that surgery is needed, and this specialist will advise me on 10th of February.  I am a little apprehensive about this.  Not the surgery so much as the recovery period (don’t know how long) of lying face down/or keeping my head down 24 hrs. a day.  I have already tried sitting backwards in one of my chairs, to see if I can use the computer or read, etc. in that position.  Please pray for this situation and the advice of the doctor!


A rather sad note:  Scott and Evelyn got a really cute puppy from China for Jasmyn.  All three girls were so excited to get this puppy.  Turns out that the dog had distemper, treatment was going to be extremely expensive with a 50/50 chance of recovery and with the advice that the puppy would not be “right” in the future.  So after about two days of receiving the dog, they had to put it down.  The whole family was devastated, especially the 3 girls.  I am sure they will look for another dog.  Pray for them in this endeavor.


Well, this is a short newsletter.  I am including pictures for you to see.  Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and financial support.  May God continue to work richly in your lives.


With Love, Thanksgiving, and Praise to our All Loving Father,



The first picture is Olivia in traditional wedding dress.  Next is Joy and Scott.  Joy was the flower girl for the wedding.