FAME’s, Jeff Coon with Missionaries Amanda and Jonathan Clark

Last week FAME hosted a CHE (Community Health Evangelism) TOT1 Training for individuals who wanted to learn steps for implementing CHE, how to choose a target community and strategies for entering a community. This phase of training is aimed at understanding the Biblical basis for CHE and basic principles of wholistic community based development. Participants learned basic skills for raising awareness, organizing, and mobilizing the community for cooperative action. www.chenetwork.org. A BIG THANK you to Judy Fish from Team Expansion for facilitating the training www.teamexpansion.org/judyfish.

One of the couples that attended were Jonathan and Amanda Clark. They will be leaving later this month to serve as missionaries with OVI Children’s Hospital for critically ill orphans in Migori, Kenya. They hope to be able to use the CHE principles they learned in their mission work. To read more about the Clarks, visit www.clarksinkenya.com 



 Nurse Practitioner and Certified Midwife, Sherry Burnam in Myanmar

A FAME team will be traveling to Myanmar later this month to provide midwifery training and 2 Pastor’s/Health Education Seminars to approximately 60+ midwives, pastors, and community leaders. Spiritual lessons will be taught in the mornings to the pastors and afternoons will consist of health education. These health lessons focus on disease prevention and can easily be applied to the lives of families living in most any community! Seminar participants will leave being challenged to take responsibility for their own health and well-being, as well as gain cooperation within their community to do the same. Replicating what they have learned in their communities will also open doors for them to share about Jesus.

Please partner with us in prayer for this team for safe travel and that that they will be effective in their teaching for God’s glory. 

Our host missionaries are Asian Children’s Mission (ACM) www.asianchildrensmission.org and Asia Christian Services (ACS) www.asiachristianservices.com.

2017 Night of Hope Sponsors



If you would like more information about being a Sponsor for this year’s event, click here 


Night of Hope brings us together as we point to God’s blessings through the ministry of FAME, our partnerships around the world, and through YOU as we send help and hope. Plan now to join us for this special night of food, fellowship and fun!

A message from Dr. Ajai  Lall of CICM , a fabulous catered dinner, silent auction, and a way to partner with missions, makes this an evening you won’t want to miss.

Proceeds from this year’s event will go toward the new mission hospital of Central India Christian Mission. (CICM). 

The program will also include Special Recognition for mission trip participants that have gone on FAME short-term mission trips in the past. If you have ever been on a FAME trip, plan now to attend this wonderful evening so that we can give you special recognition.  

Friday, November 3, 2017
Doors open at 6:00 with hors d’oeuvres. Program begins at 7:00.

Hazel Dell Christian Church
14501 Hazel Dell Pkwy
Carmel, IN 46033

$30 per person
$55 per couple
$220 for a table of 8

(Click here for more information and to Register



Earlier this month, FAME Executive Director, Bill Warren, and Director of Mission Resources, Andy Schamerloh travelled to Kenya to meet with nine FAME Missionary Partners to discuss with them their needs and to see how we can best partner with them in the future. Medical clinics that FAME helped fund were also visited. More details and pictures to come. 

Director of Mission Resources, Andy Schamerloh in Kenya