Night of Hope brings us together as we point to God’s blessings through the ministry of FAME, our partnerships around the world, and through YOU as we send help and hope. Plan now to join us for this special night of food, fellowship and fun!

A message from Dr. Ajai  Lall of CICM , a fabulous catered dinner, silent auction, and a way to partner with missions, makes this an evening you won’t want to miss.

Proceeds from this year’s event will go toward the new mission hospital of Central India Christian Mission. (CICM). 

The program will also include Special Recognition for mission trip participants that have gone on FAME short-term mission trips in the past. If you have ever been on a FAME trip, plan now to attend this wonderful evening so that we can give you special recognition.  

Friday, November 3, 2017
Doors open at 6:00 with hors d’oeuvres. Program begins at 7:00.

Hazel Dell Christian Church
14501 Hazel Dell Pkwy
Carmel, IN 46033

$30 per person
$55 per couple
$220 for a table of 8

(Click here for more information and to Register)



A widow caring for an orphan in Kenya at Ovi & Violet Int’l.

FAME exists to bring help and hope in the name of Christ to the world through medical evangelism.  A part of FAME’s ministry, that helps provide that help and hope is shipping much needed medical supplies and equipment to many of our missionary partners. 

This month, Andy Schamerloh, FAME Director of Mission Resources, shares two recent stories from our partners to whom FAME recently shipped medical supplies.

“Ovi & Violet International recently opened a clinic in Kenya to care for orphans.  In the area   surrounding the clinic, there are 48 orphanages!  FAME sent exam tables, an x-ray unit, casting materials and additional medical supplies to provide healthcare to these orphans.  We recently visited the facility in September and what sticks out to me is the way they live out James 1:27(“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress…”).  Ovi & Violet connected with local widows to provide comfort and care for the orphans.  The widows receive a small stipend each month to rock babies, change diapers and care for the orphans staying in the clinic.  Two needs are met at the same time. 

The second story involves FAME’s partners in Guinea, Africa.  Jim and Dawn Anderson received a delivery bed from FAME. (read more) 

  The first baby delivered on a hospital bed in a small village in Guinea



FAME recently mobilized a small team to go to Myanmar to teach health education, midwifery and to facilitate a Pastors’ conference. The team went to two locations, first to the campus of Asian Children’s Mission outside of Yangon, Myanmar to the Myanmar Community Development Center (MCDC) and then to Restoration Bible Institute (RBI). At the MCDC they were excited to see 23 Community Health students and Community midwives attend the class for midwifery training. It turned out to be a great class with lots of good questions. The students were very eager to learn. On day two of our midwifery training two beautiful pregnant ladies allowed the students to listen to their babies’ heartbeats!

During the Pastor’s conference, lessons were taught by Amelia Capotosta and Jeff Robinson. Jeff is the lead pastor of Lincolnway Christian Church in New Lenox, IL. Amelia talked about the effectiveness of prayer walking and how important it is to stay healthy while doing ministry. God gives many examples in His Word concerning the need to take good care of our health. Jeff was a great encouragement to the Pastors and Evangelists in attendance. They have expressed their gratitude over and over again for giving them the tools they need to build relationships with people. (read more)





Thank you to this year’s Night of Hope Sponsors!



Spencer Farm

McCarty Mulch

 Financial Management for Non-Profit   Organizations

  • Max and Mary Jane Gordon 
  • Kent and Linda Vinson

Also, a very special “Thank You!” to Hazel Dell Christian Church for hosting the event!

If you would like more information about being a Sponsor for this year’s event, click here 



  • Josh and Jennifer McCarty

  • Groff and Associates
  • Roberta Speer – Clarksburg Christian Church

  • Rockville Christian Church

  • Post Road Christian Church

  • Fair Haven Christian Church

  • Indian Creek Christian Church
  • Dwain and Marilyn Illman

  • Shan and Karen Rutherford

Table Sponsorships are still available. Click herefor more information. $220 for a table of 8.



*We are still looking for more Silent Auction Items. If you would like to donate an auction item for the silent auction, please contact Andy Schamerloh at Handmade items, international items, gift baskets, event tickets or local merchant gift cards would be appreciated.