Last week Ofelia Tabilisima, the Hospital Administrator of the Charles W. Selby Memorial Hospital (Aparri, Philippines) was able to visit FAME’s warehouse and offices.  As many of you have been giving generously toward the Aparri Project to solve the space problem at the Hospital, other work has been moving forward also.  Andy, our Director of Mission Resources, has been preparing to seek donations of significant equipment to ship to the Hospital when the construction is complete.  Ofelia and Andy were able to meet and decide on an exact list of needs which will be met by shipping two-40’ containers to the Philippines later this year!

Many of you may have seen the following reason for the need to finish the 3rd floor of the Hospital.

When 27-year-old Jonathan was brutally stabbed and rushed to the Charles Selby Memorial Hospital in Aparri, Luzon, Philippines – both his life and his soul were saved!

Jonathan says, “Because of the employees sharing God’s word, it made me believe and accept Jesus to become a Christian like them.”  The Charles Selby Memorial Hospital is finishing the 3rd floor of this hospital we helped to build in 1998.  This project will increase the bed capacity of the hospital by 50% and allow more Filipinos to meet Jesus. 

FAME Director of Mission Resources, Andy Schamerloh, going through the medical supply list with Ofelia, of CSMH.



“…most people have to either carry their loved one to a bus stop, use an expensive taxi, or most often use pick-up truck beds”.  These medical transport alternatives are used by Honduran people near our partner in Central America.  This clinic repeatedly has critical patients that arrive and then need immediate transportation to the area hospital which is many miles away.

Gifts to FAME helped us meet this need of our partner in Tegucigalpa, Honduras by helping to provide $17,500.00 for them to purchase an Ambulance.  His Eyes Missionaries, Felipe & Valerie Colby, ordered and just received a 4×4 Land Cruiser that will be converted into an Ambulance because of your generosity.  

A recent Facebook post from His Eyes said,

“It has been a journey of many months, generous grants via FAME and IDES, lots of work, more paperwork, and tons of prayer, Dr. Darwin is finally able to pick up the new Land Cruiser from the port that will be the clinic ambulance very soon! Thanks to everyone and God that made this possible!”

Felipe also recently wrote us this note: “We could not ask for a better medical partner than FAME.  They are always there when we need them, and show how much they care for what God is doing here and around the world.  Whatever we need, if they can help, they do:  prayers, medicines, equipment, supplies, advice, answers, connections, medical scholarships, shipping containers of ministry supplies, clinic construction funds, ambulance needs…and more!  They strive to do what they do not just for missions or peoples, which they do very well, but to honor and glorify Christ above all things…and it shows.“

That note is about FAME because of partners like you.  Whether your donation supports projects like this, our scholarship program, shipping of medical supplies or short-term medical mission trips, you are bringing help and hope in the name of Christ to the world through medical evangelism.

4×4 Land Cruiser 

His Eyes, Medical Director, Darwin with the clinic’s new Land Cruiser. 



by Bill Warren, Executive Director

My wife, Kelly and I just returned from the NACC (North American Christian Convention) in Kansas City where we were exhibitors, along with the Coons, telling attendees all about the ministry of FAME. As many exhibitors do, we passed out small giveaways at our booth. This year the giveaway was a little first-aid kit. After returning to Indianapolis, I received this email from Rick and Suzanne from Tennessee.  

“Hi Bill and Kelly,

Just wanted you to know that the first aid kit you gave our granddaughter Lily at the convention came in handy. We were in a restaurant in Chattanooga and Lily went to the restroom and a girl was bleeding on her finger and Lily rushed out to grab her kit to bandage the girls finger. Thanks for passing them out!!”

It’s so exciting to see young people helping others.

Lily from Tennessee

JULY 2017





FAME is blessed to have some wonderful Godly men and women on our Board of Directors. This month, our Board Chairman, Kevin Hart, would like to express his thanks to you for your partnership with FAME.

“I want to take a moment of your time to express my thanks for your gifts to the ministry of FAME. Because of your support, many of our partners get the medical help they so desperately need.

As my children went through elementary school, my oldest daughter came home one day and told me we were going to be a recycling family. So, we got the bins and started separating our trash. My daughter is now 30 and we still recycle. This desire to do something small that could have a large impact really made sense to me.

That is why I got involved in FAME. Through the CHE training, many communities are becoming healthier. They too are different because locals are teaching locals and that training may last generations. I also like the fact that we take equipment that may not be the latest technology and send it to other parts of the world which have an immediate impact. This is being a good steward of what God provides.

God is so generous in what He gives to us through His grace and mercy. I want to thank you for being like our Heavenly Father through your gifts no matter the size. They really do have a profound impact.”



On July 15th, FAME drove a 26’ box truck to Florence, KY filled with medical supplies and equipment. This was no ordinary delivery! FAME and Africa Fire Mission partnered with 4 other missions to fill a container going to Nairobi, Kenya. We sent medical and dental equipment to Missions of Hope International, Ovi & Violet International, Touching Lives Ministry and MOI Teaching & Referral Hospital. Items in the container include bandages, exam tables, an ultrasound, surgical microscope, braces, IV poles and many other desperately needed supplies.

We could not have done this without help from our partners and donors. This effort began in April to collect and ship supplies for the missions. Because of your support and donations, we are able to help provide medical care to orphans (Ovi & Violet), dental care (Touching Lives Ministry), medical education for university students (MOI Hospital), medical care for all ages (MOHI) and firefighting equipment (Africa Fire Mission). 

  Wonderful volunteers that helped load the Kenya container in Florence, KY.