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Just a few miles from the 4th largest shopping mall in all of Asia, in a Manila, Philippines suburb, there are 600,000 people living on standing water. It is free housing, but if you have no address you have no medical care. Our partner, CRAM Worldwide (Christ Reaching Asia Mission), has planted 6 churches among these dear people who need the love of the Lord. Three additional churches are planned to be started in the coming years. CRAM Worldwide is the ministry of Dr. C.Y. and Patricia Kim who serve in southeast Asia. They have implemented many programs to bring help and hope to these families, but one need they see is medical care.
FAME has agreed to partner with CRAM in purchasing a vehicle that can be converted to a mobile clinic. By having a mobile clinic they will be able to drive to different areas where they currently do ministry at these 6 churches. The need is so great for this Mobile Clinic, they have gone ahead and purchased it and put it in operation. (click here to read more or to Donate to this project)
Thank you for your prayers, gifts-in-kind, and financial support for the ministry of FAME. Donations like yours help meet a physical need, opening the door for our partners to share the gospel, meeting their spiritual need.
As the FAME Director of Mission Resources, Andy Schamerloh oversees the shipping of medical supplies and equipment to our missionary partners. Earlier this year he coordinated the shipping of 2- 40′ shipping containers for Charles Selby hospital in Aparri, Philippines. The containers contained medical supplies and equipment that FAME was able to provide through YOUR partnership.
Andy shared, “On back to back days in mid-December, FAME loaded 2 shipping containers bound for the Philippines. By the end of February, both containers had arrived at Charles W. Selby Memorial Hospital in Aparri after a 14-hour drive from Manilla. The containers arrived at 11 pm and were unloaded by the staff that night. Many smiles were present as new supplies and equipment were moved into the hospital. The third-floor remodel was nearly finished and items were stored for final setup.
Among the items FAME shipped, were 2 new cardiac monitors. These were put to use immediately. The morning after the monitors arrived, 3 patients were admitted for cardiac distress. The new monitors were used on the patients and helped to properly diagnose the issues and proceed with proper treatment. It’s not a stretch to say these cardiac monitors saved lives the day they arrived!"
When you partner with FAME, you enable us to save lives both physically and spiritually around the world. Thank you for partnering with us to spread help and hope to those in need.
Looking for a service project for your group that can make a lasting impact on others all around the world? Consider partnering with FAME on the First Aid Kit Project.
Packing first aid kits is a great opportunity for your group to participate in a service project with FAME. These kits will be used by our global mission partners in developing countries to administer simple first aid materials as well as assist in providing wellness promotion and health education.
Click here to find out more about this exciting opportunity. |
Looking for adventure and a way to serve others? Spots are still open on our upcoming trip to Honduras July 21-28, 2018! As a trip participant, you will have the opportunity to participate in several hands-on ministry projects through our host mission, “His Eyes”, directed by Felipe and Valerie Colby in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Our primary focus is providing medical/spiritual care through multiple mobile medical clinics to people living in remote communities who do not have access to nearby healthcare.
We are seeking Physicians, Nurses, Pharmacists, NPs, PAs, Physical Therapists, Dentists, Optometrists, and other medical professionals who are seeking an opportunity to be used according to their skills and abilities on this trip. We are also in need of non-medical trip participants who will be taught how to serve in a variety of areas.
Click here to find out how you can get involved.
Congratulations to our longtime friends and partners at the Charles W Selby Memorial Hospital in Aparri, Philippines. In March they celebrated their 20th Anniversary and dedicated the hospital’s newly finished third floor that so many of you made possible.
Bill Warren, FAME’s Executive Director participated in the dedication by cutting the ribbon for the special occasion. Bill spoke later that evening at the 20th-anniversary celebration for the hospital.
Because of generous donors like YOU, FAME was able to provide the funding needed to complete the 3rd floor of this hospital and provide an additional 25 beds. The Charles Selby Memorial hospital opened in March of 1998 and is 80% self-supporting with paying clients. The hospital is the healing arm of the Philippine Mission Church of Christ of North Luzon.