FAME Newsletter
March 2014  





Every FAME medical mission team takes vitamins to distribute to the adults, children, and babies that they treat.  Each mission team takes an average of 30-35,000 adult vitamins and 10-12,000 children’s vitamins. Vitamins are costly but critically needed. FAME can buy vitamins at a discounted price from our supplier, but it is still very expensive to buy all the vitamins needed for a trip.


If you have been collecting vitamins and medicines with the Cardboard Pharmacy project or would like to send a donation to purchase the vitamins and medicines needed for upcoming trips, please send those to FAME right away. If you would like more information about how you or your church can take part in collecting medicines, please visit our website or email us.   





For more information on how you can serve through a FAME mission trip, visit our website.



4545 Southeastern Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46203


(317) 358-2480
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Well, moving our email serviceStill want to keep receiving the FAME E-News? We are moving to a new email service, but unfortunately some of you won’t be going with us unless you choose to. laptop-couple.jpg


IF you received a separate CONFIRMATION email from FAME, then congratulations you made it! Every email will have a link at the bottom so you can manage your email subscription to as much or as little as you want.


If you DID NOT receive a separate CONFIRMATION email and you would like to continue receiving emails from FAME, please go to our FAME Email Signup  so we don’t lose you. That would be awful!


We will be sending out some gentle reminders through Constant Contact for the next month to give everyone the opportunity. YOU are our supporters and we hate to lose you! 



FAME is pleased to share that God has answered and the shipping container for Cuba has finally been approved by the Cuban government to be shipped. It will be loaded and shipped to a medical mission in Cuba very soon.        

Keep praying! There are so many needs around the world and our mission partners face great difficulty from Satan every day.

We have two teams heading to Haiti this month. The first team leaves on Sunday, March 9, and the second on March 15. Over 50 people! As they integrate physical and spiritual healing, pray for the lives they will touch that they all may come to know Jesus.



We are excited to begin working together with Dr. Tom McKechnie from Teach to Transform, in Louisville, Kentucky in sending help and hope in the name of Christ to the world through medical evangelism.

 In February, Dr. McKechnie and his team came to Indy and shared with a group of over 30 on how Dr. Tom made the transition from “Do” to “Teach”, the Medical Module Training they have developed; and how to train the trainers and teach the nationals to be “community health screeners.” A video of this session at FAME will soon be available on our website.



Julie Hirschauer, Patricia Kim, Bill warren,  CY Kim, Scott Schoberg, Gary Craig








The teams at CRAM Worldwide and FAME are coming together again, sending help and hope to Southeast Asia. In the early 1970’s CRAM Worldwide received a bus converted to a mobile medical clinic that was used in China. Plans have been made to send a shipping container of medical supplies and equipment later this year. As we renew this partnership there are many other exciting future possibilities that we are discussing. CRAM Worldwide has strong ministry efforts in China, North Korea, South Korea, and Cambodia. We look forward to see where God takes us together!