Nurses jumping for joy at Selby Hospital, Aparri, Philippines

Thank you for your support of the ministry of FAME through your prayers, volunteerism, and financial giving. We value your partnership and would like to tell you how grateful we are for your role in our estimate* of Good News being brought to nearly 450,000 people in 2017 through our Global Partners.

This month I’d like to share a story of how your donations do make a difference. In late December at our prayer time, Andy Schamerloh, our Director of Mission Resources requested we pray because our two Containers bound for the Philippines that week were going to each cost $1000 more than expected!  Our staff prayed for that and other requests and then all went about our day.  When the mail came a few hours later, there was a note and check from a partner in Illinois who is special to us.  The note was simple, and the check was for $2000 for SHIPPING!  Partners like you do GOOD THINGS every month, allowing God to provide through YOU!

Because you partner with FAME, we can send help and hope around the world through medical evangelism. Whether your donations are designated for a sustainable healthcare project like the ones we are currently helping to support in the Philippines, Haiti, Zimbabwe, Kenya, India, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Mexico; a short-term mission trip to one of the 6 countries we currently have on the calendar; the shipping of life saving medical equipment and supplies (a shipping container to Zimbabwe was sent out last week), our Impact Scholarship Fund for international students, or our Annual Fund, your donations make a difference in lives around the world.

Those are all your stories!

Click here to make a donation to FAME.


For the last few weeks, we have had a team, both medical and non-medical, in the country of Myanmar (formerly Burma) conducting medical camps and teaching community health lessons through the CHE program.  Team participant Deb Trego says “Our intention is to share the love of Christ & shine the light of Jesus. We pray with each patient because God made each of us in his image & we hope that at the end of the day the patients have felt & seen his love thru us.”

Their first medical outreach in Kalemyo was a blessing to the entire team. They ministered to 170 patients. Medication was distributed, each patient was prayed for, wounds were treated, the Physical Therapist on the team was very busy as was the local dentist who pulled teeth ALL day long! We give all glory to God!

In Khin Tar, the team went on to minister to 128 patients in a Buddhist community. The local Myanmar Christians serving with the team were a great blessing!

On another day, the team did a medical outreach at Restoration Bible Institute. The community was invited to participate in this outreach if they had need of medical attention. Some of the patients included some Buddhist monks who live in the community near RBI.

The picture above is team member Deb Trego, and Myanma nurse, Lucy sharing scripture & prayer with Aee Khine, 24 years old. Lucy will continue to follow up with her in Myanmar after the team leaves

The team has finished the medical outreaches,  but are now teaching (CHE) Community Health Evangelism. They have just finished Day 3 of the training. Lonnie Burley, FAME Director of Short-Term Trips recently communicated to us that “We have close to 50 Pastors and community leaders attending this training. God is being glorified through our team’s facilitators and our brothers and sisters in Christ who are in attendance. Feeling blessed…..”

Thank you for your continued prayers for the team in Myanmar. They return to the US February 24.



We are so excited to announce that the shipping container we have been preparing to ship to Zimbabwe has been loaded and is on its way.

Last week we were blessed to have some wonderful volunteers help load a 40’container full of medical supplies and equipment for Mashoko Christian Hospital in Zimbabwe. Some of the items that shipped include 2 ultrasound machines, a birthing bed, a BUV, gurneys and gloves.

Please partner with us in prayer that this container full of supplies will help the ministry at Mashoko Christian Hospital reach many for Christ!

(click here for a message from Dr. Zindoga Bungu) Medical Director at Mashoko Christian Hospital. 


Recently Dr. Bungu met with FAME staff to discuss the possibility of providing an Ambulance for them to better serve their region. The Hospital in Zimbabwe plays a significant role in reaching the people in the
surrounding community with the good news of Jesus Christ. Besides the 60,000 people treated annually, the 2,000 surgeries and 200 babies birthed, the hospital sees as many as 60 baptisms a year and most of the founding and active members of the surrounding churches first heard the
Gospel at Mashoko Christian Hospital. Dr. Bungu’s philosophy of reaching the lost in his country is that when you start a Christian hospital it gives birth to new Christians and churches in a larger area surrounding the hospital.

People who are not able to get to the place of assistance will be able to be treated in the name of Jesus. Right now the 3 top ambulances used in the valley are:

  1. wheelbarrow
  2. a two-wheel cart pulled by oxen or donkeys
  3. a bicycle and they are traveling 30 – 40 miles on dirt roads with massive potholes.

Zindoga Bungu recently told us, “If we show the people compassion in their time of need they come into our hospital they are ripe for accepting Jesus because we have shown we care.” Dr. Bungu goes on to say, “This needs to be a 4-wheel drive ambulance because the roads in the area are all potholes. Sometimes the potholes are so deep the cars have to go off of the road through the bush to get around the potholes. In the rainy season, we are unable to travel. We will be able to preach with our ambulance, as well as treat people physically.”

FAME’s commitment to this project is $22,500. If you would like to donate to the Zimbabwe Ambulance fund click here and write “Zimbabwe Ambulance” in the Comments section of the donation page.