FAME Newsletter
February 2014  

Mission Trip Dates

Monthly Prayer Calendar







In January, two FAME Medical Mission Teams served thousands of people in both Myanmar (Burma) and Burkina Faso (West Africa). Both teams came back pointing to how God was moving in incredible ways in those countries. Keep praying for the seeds that were sown by both these teams.

 Welcome to Burkina Faso


The FAME Burkina team


Children of Burkina

4545 Southeastern Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46203


(317) 358-2480
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 Burkina Faso 

Dr. Dessieux treating a patient

The Burkina medical team, led by Dr. Guesly Dessieux, saw over 1600 

patients in 5 ½ days of clinics. The

Gospel was preached and over 100 people made decisions for Christ during the 3 nights of evangelistic meetings where God was praised with an energy rarely seen in the States. The medical trip helped Kwame, the missionary, launch forward the starting of a new church in the city of Gourcy. We saw God moving and working in some incredible ways to bring the Gospel to the people of Burkina: (read more)


Click to view pictures from Burkina.



The Myanmar medical team was led by Dr. Dwain Illman. Here are some excerpts from his reports during the trip:

“This is FAME’s first medical trip to Burma; it is the local group’s first time to host a medical team… One of my patients was a pastor who said he was at one time a Buddhist priest. He was lonely and unfulfilled. At Christmas time he passed by a church and heard Christmas carols. The melodies and words so touched him, he went in to talk with the pastor. Soon after he accepted Christ and then spent several years preparing himself for Christian ministry. I know Christmas carols is also my favorite to sing and hear.”  (read more) 


 Click to view pictures from Myanmar.   

Five Scholarships Funded 


Some exciting news FAME has to share is that the medical scholarships currently assisting 5 students in India, Myanmar,

FAME scholarship recipient Michael Tingkang practicing dentistry

Honduras,and Mexico are fully funded! The next $2400 allows us to commit to a new scholarship recipient! Praise the Lord! There is still time to give to the Impact Scholarships!

Give now online 


Vitamins Needed!

Every Medical Mission Team takes vitamins to distribute to the adults, children, and babies that they treat. Each mission trip takes an average of 30-35,000 adult vitamins and 10-12,000 children’s vitamins. Recently, we received from a local church many bottles of vitamins from the vitamin drive that they did, as well as a check for over $400 to purchase vitamins. That’s great! Vitamins are costly but very much needed. FAME can buy vitamins at a very good price from our supplier, but it is still very expensive to buy all the vitamins needed for a trip. If you have been collecting vitamins and medicines with the Cardboard Pharmacy project or would like to send a donation to purchase the vitamins and medicines needed for upcoming trips, please send those to FAME right away. You can also give online.     

Praying For Cuba                                                                               praying.jpg

We are currently waiting for approval from Cuba to send a shipping container. Pray with us for God to move this forward in His timing. More than anything, we need you to pray! Join with us in prayer, click here for the monthly Prayer Calendar.